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built to help you to work smarter.
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WITS Simulator
[Free Software]
Erdos Miller's WITS Simulator is a simple tool for developing and testing WITS-based communications devices and software.
If you’re developing or deploying software anywhere the WITS specification is used, EM's WITS Simulator can help you reach your goals faster. It is built on top of our field-proven WITS Library for LabVIEW. The WITS toolkit has been deployed in multiple products and has exchanged information with major WITS vendors.

WAVE: Data Analysis Software
[Free Software]
Erdos Miller's WAVE application is a data analysis software package that is focused on analyzing both real-time and recorded memory for drilling devices. WAVE provides the user with a graphical workbench which brings all this data together automatically into one consistent graphical work-space.

Sling Installer
Manage your Erdos Miller software from one place!
By installing Sling you will be able to download and maintain:
- WAVE Data viewer
- Pulse
- AND More to come...

Pulse: The Software
[Free Software]
The user-friendly interface to configure, download logs, and track usage of the MicroPulse suite of products. With Pulse, you will be able to:
- Configure and track the usage of your MicroPulse suite of products
- Download logs
- Perform shop-testing and validate the MicroPulse performance before deploying on field.
Check the video tutorials on this page as well...

MWD Battery Life Calculator
[Free Tool]
Calculating battery life incorrectly has become a very common problem for companies when predicting, planning, and designing for new projects.
To help you, here's a very accurate Battery Life Calculator that considers all power drains including the Pulser and Pulsing Rate on the batteries.

WITS Simulator Webinar Replay: Develop and Test with Simplicity
[Webinar Recording]
From watching this webinar recording, you will learn how to:
- Ways to optimize your WITS development and testing.
- A full review of the WITS Simulator and its capabilities.
- A hands-on approach to learning the components of the WITS Simulator.
- An understanding of the customization features for your data.
- A real world example on the rigsite.
- Answers by Ken Miller to the great questions the viewers had!

The MWD CAN Architecture White Paper
[Free White Paper]
Inside this white paper you will find:
- The CAN Frame Structure
- Everything you need to know about Message Formats
- Command structure
- Common commands for all tools

QMIX/QBUS MWD Communication Protocol - A Brief Introduction
[Free Guide]
Do you how popular Measurement While Drilling tools communicate internally? The QMIX/QBUS Communications protocol is a legacy protocol which is still in use by many vendors today and represents a de-facto standard. It is an embedded communications protocol that is a predecessor to newer protocols such as CAN BUS.

MUD Pulse Telemetry M-ARY Encoding and Decoding (Chapter 1)
[Free White Paper]
This white paper goes over the basics of the popular M-Ary Telemetry format which is used by many vendors and represents a de-facto standard. For those unfamiliar, Mud Pulse Telemetry is encoded data that is transmitted using pressure waves from a downhole tool to an up-hole receiver. You read that right, we encode binary data in mud!

Advanced Mud Pulse Telemetry: M-Ary Encoding for MWD Tools (Chapter 2)
[Free White Paper]
This white paper covers what you need to know about the encoding and higher-level design of M-Ary mud pulse telemetry, including:
- Synch blocks.
- Survey sequence number blocks.
- Toolface/Logging Sequence Number Blocks.
- Data Block Formats.
- Breaking Binary Data into 2 and 3-bit packets.
- M-Ary Pulse Encoding (with examples).